Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time to shave some wood!

I am amazed how efficient a hand planer is.
I just bought one from Home Depot, 10 bucks, sharpened the blade very well and voila: top notch tool for the poor!

The rails are on!

This week-end I cut and glued the rails from two big balsa sticks. Unfortunately the 2 sticks didn't have the same density, so I have tried to spread the weight evenly between the 2 sides by altering the "rail blocks". Therefore, an uneven wood color is noticeable... I am not very happy about it but at least the board stays balanced.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It start to look like something....

...well almost. The upper deck was glued few days ago and I roughly trimmed the rails tonight. The space for the leash was "routed-out" in the upper deck. I already can tell that the two decks will require heavy sanding to smooth them up. It's a good thing that I love sanding ;-).

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Leash Plug.

I will use a plug that have this gortex membrane on the bottom to prevent pressurization and delamination. To vent the board I just drill with the router the space for the plug and on the bottom a little hole should be enough. Well, I hope!

Fin insert

I'm going to use the fusion system from FCS, five of them! So the board will be a quad/thruster. For that, I have cut some piece of balsa blocks and spent quit a long time to adjust them for the board. After gluing them, I have figured out that I should may have been using some thinner one. Let say that I love to sand and I had a lot of love to give on those inserts!!!
After hours and hours of sawing and sanding, everything start to look ok! I am almost ready to close the board with the upper deck!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Who said balsa can’t bend!

It’s time to glue the plank to the frame!
I was a little worried about the rocker: will the balsa plank sustain the bending? Not that the plank were really thick (¼ inches) but they were really glued! The Gorilla Glue makes a bond stronger than the balsa itself, so my nightmares were full of shredded balsa and glue cracks… Surprisingly everything went smooth and easy. Despite the pretty good amount of pressure that it requires nothing cracked (thank you Windex).