Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My stand is done… But…

That’s it! Here’s my super multi-tips surf stand with rocker table. The weather is so awful since few weeks that the work as gone very, very slowly I only have a patio and only half of tit is covered! Well, let say that I am a little disappointed by the San Diego weather, HAAARRRRGGHH!

Never mind I have started to glue the paper shapes on the balsa plank. I’m using a stick of glue with the hope that I will be able to pull the paper off easily when I will be done cutting.

Every thing was going quite well, when all off a sudden it’s going to take a tragic turn! Those guys at Specialized Balsa Wood might have better bought themselves new glasses: I have ordered ½ inch thick planks for the “spine” of my surf, one 36 inches long and an other 48 inches. My plan was to glue them together to have enough of length for the surf. Damned, the longest plank was 2/8 of an inch thicker than the short one wich was at the good thickness. COME ON GUYS!!!!

I only have a Dremel (by the way it’s working really great)! So I have decided to cut the spine anyway and I will try to reduce the thickness of by using the Dremel Trio (this is the one I have) like a router to get ride off those 2/8 of an inch… I think it might be getting hairy but this is my only choice. I don’t want to invest in a 400$ planer just for that and I don’t want to loose my time with the balsa guys… and I want to see if this can work!

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